Where have I seen these shorts?

The other day I was digging through boxes and I pulled out an incredibly ugly piece of material – polyester. It looked familiar, but I had my mind on something else and forgot about it. And yesterday I found the material where I had tossed it and tossed it somewhere else, out of my sight. Today I came upon it again and, feeling irritated, I thought where DID this come from. I looked at it more closely and guess what? The material was actually made into a pair of ugly shorts . . . big shorts. Slowly I saw them in my memory. On Quentin’s head while we were playing Monopoly in the den.

I believe Alison had purchased them before she lost weight at the Goodwill and we had all exclaimed, “My Heavens, those are ugly.” So she tossed them on a chair or table or whatever and on impulse Quentin put them on his head as some sort of weird headdress . . . and kept them on. I can see him now – that wide grin, those crazy shorts on his head. Unfortunately I did not get a picture, so I guess I’ll have to just take a picture of the shorts . . . or I could use photoshop techniques. Or not. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
