St. James and Kathryn and I

Today when I went over to the nursing home, Emory wasn’t feeling like eating any lunch at all and was going to nap, so Kathryn and I took advantage of the sunny day to go to the old St. James Restaurant in Avilla. I hadn’t planned on going and had on worn jeans and an old sweatshirt and shoes with paint on them. The waitress suggested we might want a table that was tucked in a hallway, but I said, “No, this is a special time and we want to be in the front room with the mural.” And so we were.

The mural:




As for me, I need to spiff up.

CNN article on autism revisited

Last week I cited this article about a family with autism in this POST.  I would like to see frequent updates to learn if the last paragraph in the aricle is still applicable. This paragraph:

In other words, one week of intervention therapy has done more than simply give Marissa some rules to follow and the household some much needed quiet. It has brought this once-divided family back together.

I don’t think the original article made it clear how long the interval was between the five-day- therapy and the determining of that concluding paragraph. It would be interesting to know.