Oh, Lordy, the jig is up

Well, a couple of the patrons at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse, who are actually more family than patrons, have gotten whiff of the little chatter I’ve had going here at The Leaning Cow. I suppose it was unwise of me to provide free wi-fi.

To tell the truth, yes, a couple did get whiff of it – but they didn’t hesitate to share the news with the regulars and it has been interesting around here. And surprising. People have started reminding me of things in their lives – like the funny things their kids or grandkids have done. Or the time the road washed out and the triplet red-headed Grady girls were born just shy of Two Tree Pass on the old Jamison Road. They called in the medic helicopter and the pilot landed in the barley field and took mother and babies to the regional hospital. Dad Grady got through when Dick Smith dirtied up his new Hummer to make his way up the washout to pick him up . . .  Stories like that, dontcha know.

Joan is even talking about getting a new picture of our cow that leans and came right out and said we ought to give her a name. I said I thought her name was the leaning cow  – kind of generic like – but she’s bound and determined to get a committee organized to decide on a name. Of course, that is reassuring to me since the cow will probably be in a heavenly pasture by the time the committee agrees on who’s doing what, let alone a name.

Dustin was sipping his cola and munching his jelly crunch foldover when he wondered if maybe people wouldn’t be able to leave their stuff on their regular tables anymore. I told him I didn’t think he had anything to worry about . . . especially with Friday, our dog who pretty much guards things. Well, he doesn’t so much as guard as remind – bark, bark . . . you’ve left your hat – bark, bark . . . time to pick up the kids from cheerleading, football, basketball, baseball, you-name-it practice – bark, bark – time to jiggle the finicky mechanism on the ice machine.

Which was an issue Susan broached: “If you’re going to be telling what’s going on here at the PBC&R, won’t we get in trouble for having Friday in here? Him being a “dog” and all.” Friday gave her a bit of a look right at this time and she nodded to him and said, “Now, Friday, you know I didn’t mean anything by that.”

We decided that it isn’t going to be a problem because, well, nobody here is actually going to acknowledge seeing him and Friday has agreed to act as if he is unaware of anyone when a stranger pops in. He let us know he’ll be so inconspicuous, people who thought they saw him would think he was a Wednesday.

Some of the folks think I should fancy the place up a bit, but heck, I’m just going to leave things as they are. And that includes the screen door out to the porch. It’s wooden and a little warped and you kind of have to give it a little kick to get it moving. Course, on the other had a good breeze and a strong spring will make it slam loud enough to get your attention and fast enough to hit you in the butt.

And that would be the end of this update.

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