Indiana election – primary day

Well, I do not know what is going on out there  – what with Bill Clinton coming to town (Kendallville) just this past Friday . . . and one guy telling the local newspaper he was going to vote for Hillary since his house is right across the street from the fire station where Bill appeared and he made $34 for parking.

I don’t get a Democratic ballot, so it’s not quite so exciting on this side. Mitch is running unopposed for the governor’s nomination and I am feeling not happy about him. He did NOT –  and neither did any of his staff – refer to complaints from my mother’s and my email about DST.  FIE ON YOU, MITCH.

One thought on “Indiana election – primary day”

  1. What? You didn’t join Limbaugh in his operation Chaos? lol Shoot the democrats are doing just fine on their own providing the country with entertainment.

    That guy should gild that $34. If either Hillary or Obama get in office that’s the last $34 he’ll ever get from them.

    Your governor should be ashamed of himself ignoring your concerns.

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