Well, now it’s sunny

I woke up this morning to dark and gloomy overcast and the threat of rain. Now –  and I don’t know if it is a coincidence or not –  now the sun has come out just as Bill Clinton has come to town to speak. I hear birds chirping outside. Surely, this is not “a sign”  . . .

This sun thing shakes up my day though, for I had accepted that it was going to be too wet and whatever outside to do anything in the yard work category. I even went out and sawed a couple of branches so I could say, “Well, I did what I could.” Now, the blue sky and sun are calling my bluff and wanting me to go out there and do more??

Are there ferns  that like sun? I am thinking of having a fern lawn with little paths leading a few places. No mowing, just “ferning” – whatever that is. Then each winter the little ferns would turn brown and lean over and be covered with snow. In the spring they would put up their little space monster-like green ball heads on tiny necks and we’d have another go at summer.