27 minutes to shower time . . .

In, ACK, now 26 minutes, I will go take a shower. I like being clean, but fine showering a chore: get your clothes off, adjust the water temperature, hop in, shampoo you hair, wash you body, rinse you hair, shampoo your hair again, rinse again and get out. I have a reputation for being FAST. Nature made me a water conservationist.

I suppose it might be more useful to take a bath and use then use the soapy water for other things – soaking the dusty blinds? Oh, that is such a pain. Inviting others in to gather round on little stools and soak their feet? Even if I found a daily purpose for the bath water, it probably wouldn’t negate the feeling I always have to “get this water thing” over with.

The best part of the shower/bath experience for me is the robe made out of toweling. Then there’s the time it takes to get dressed.

But, today, like every other day for the most part, I am going to do it. And, I guess, then we will be heading out to bag day at Trinity Methodist. The absolute last thing of little consequence that I need to do is bring more stuff into this place. You can only have so many old wooden meat tenderizers; I don’t use them, I just look at them piled in a big pot with a rounded bottom and remember my grandmother and how I loved her.

Grandma introduced me to embroidery, homemade comforters and quilts, hooked rugs and those little salt dishes that people dipped their onions in. Not that I ever did that. She loved tomatoes and as I grew older so do I. That is probably a good thing because if I kept the tomatoes around to remind me of grandma, that would be a little messy. it is better that i like to eat them.

Oh, heck, I ‘m not going to drag this out; I ‘m going to get it over with – shower, here I come.