Crazy Eyes

I was sitting at a kitchen table in North Liberty, Iowa when LZP came out and handed me a shark. It’s Crazy Eyes, he said. I would sit with Jody and she would laugh

That’s not a quote, because I can’t remember the exact words, but it was pretty close to what I wrote. Crazy Eyes has been boarding here at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse and he sits behind me on the back of the sofa. Before that, LZP and Jody would sit on a sofa and share good times; I don’t know what he thinks of things here, but I would surmise it has something to do with, If my eyes are crazy, this dudette is way more than that.

That’s not a quote, you understand, but I can feel his message.

My grandson has expressed a desire to look after him when I grow too old to do so. I told him it’s a sacred privilege; he understands that. When it comes time for the passing of the shark, I’m certain he’ll find his new place crazy enough for my grandson and LZP share a taste in movies that makes me roll my eyes.

A fire and a movie

It is a good thing that a fire is comforting and relaxing because carrying the darn wood in is not hard, but time-consuming, especially when you’re carrying it to a basement fireplace. You can only tote so many logs at once so it’s up and down and up and down and better do it again or you’ll have to stumble around in the dark because you’ve wanted to think, Oh, that will be enough.

I have been digging out old VHS movies and watching them. Some are better than I remember them being. I think when not so many movies were made and we watched the old ones on TV over and over again, we didn’t realize that it was a good thing. You really got to appreciate the aspects of the film. Now, for the most part, I watch a new movie and that’s it.

The complication of watching these older tapes is the previews before the movie; I think Oh, yeah, I’d like to see that one again or, I missed that one. Easier said than done.

Of course, I don’t know if I’d be able to watch any new movie as many times as I’ve watched Casablanca. Actually, I’m not sure that was a movie; I think it is a phenomenon that makes us feel deja vu when we stand in a fog or see a trench coat or hear a piano in a cafe or fold some important papers in our hand – our letters of transit, dontcha know. Whatever, it’s been a beautiful friendship.

Frederick Small

Who is Fredrick Small? A man who murdered his wife and was hanged for the crime a century ago. I know this because I fell into a “click a connecting link” pattern and wound up at a news page, which I am citing here, but which may not be available forever because it is a news page. I’m certain that a Google search will bring up an account of the story if anyone stumbles on this post in the future and the link does not work.

A lot of men murder their wives and have done so for eons; they probably will continue to do so and I imagine there is some sort of parity with what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. The reason the Frederick Small story caused me to sigh is that while justice may be blind, the hand of fate can reach out and get you and laugh in your face.

Fredrick was a weasel of a man, according to the news account, and ran a few scams as well as perhaps losing money in honest ventures. It was 1916 and without TV, no one would be yelling “CSI, CSI, CSI!” when his wife was killed in a fire while he was far off in a theater.

He was clever; he put together a time bomb for igniting the fire, murdered his wife, left her on the bed and went off to his alibi. He wanted everything to burn up; it almost did. However, as the fire progressed, the bedroom floor collapsed, dumping his wife into the basement where her head fell into a pool of water. The water was there because he did not want to pay to waterproof the basement. Just a small pool, but her head wasn’t that large and so people found a lot of ashes and a head – with a bullet hole in it and signs of beating and strangulation.

Tales of marital discord added to situation and the police of the day found evidence of a bomb, such as a clock and gasoline, etc.

The town in which this happened was named Occipee. I can just see someone decided since he was caught out, the town name presaged the head in the pool by a bit of punning: O see me pee.

Yes, I’m sorry; dreadful pun. Awful. You aren’t going to hang me, are you?

When you dream about an ordinary day

I wonder if I could claim that I have been up for almost two days? Last night I had a long, dull, frustrating dream about chores that I do during the week. This was not a dream where I analyzed those chores; no, no, this was a dream in which I performed those chores in a tedious manner. There was no fast forwarding.

What is so truly annoying is that I spent the night doing them, but they were not done this morning. However, I guess it is better than a all-out nightmare, complete with frantic, fumbling incompetence and things you cannot reach no matter how fast you run . . . or trying to run and having your legs move as if in sticky deep goop.

I walked into the kitchen today and found someone had made popcorn with an air popper and guess what, there was popcorn on the floor. Did they not notice these big white clumps; was there no tug of conscience to sweep them up. Well, we know the answer to that.

I need a punching bag, a big one.

Oh, the scary Internet

When I was looking up information on Amelia Earhart, I automatically typed AmeliaJake into the search bar, and I found myself staring at: maxwoo2

Okay, I guess it’s a sign.

Then, wondering what would happen if I searched AmeliaJake images on Bing, I found this from The New Yorker:new-yorker-cat

Yep, I must have posted that somewhere along the line.

I have now backed away from search engines and think I’ll just go check Of course, that can be unnerving; they track what you have viewed and offer suggestions based on that. Sometimes, I look at what comes up and drop my head. I suppose I should seek out some “normal” things on the site so maybe I’ll slip below the radar of those Internet police looking for candidates for the Group W Bench (made famous by Alice’s Restaurant. Okay, now I’ve gone and done it.

Noble County Humane Shelter – Maggie’s waiting

Everyone who knows me is very much aware that we lost a beloved Australian Shepherd a year ago last October. Actually, the hurt is still so big that when a lady form the Noble County Humane Society called me, I misspoke myself and said last October.

Actually, it feels like yesterday. Shane was himself, the clown, the cuddler, the teaser and he was also a link to other loved ones.

Anyway the lady from the shelter called to tell me they had a sweet dog, already spayed looking for a home. But I don’t know where I’m going to be living and what the rules are going to be, and another member of the current household already got a dog.

Her name is Maggie and if you’re interested in a furry friend, well, go meet her and please pass the word to others. I’m not going because it wouldn’t be fair; I’m not in a position where I can assume the responsibility of a dog.

From Chinatown to Floodpath: the Deadliest Man-made Disaster

I remember watching Chinatown way back when. That when was a long time ago; Jack Nicholson had hair. I’m not certain I followed the plot too well the first time I saw it; then later came The Two Jakes and renewed my interest in the earlier movie and I sort of got everything figured out.

Somewhere in this timeframe, I had become aware of the actual nitty-gritty convoluted story Los Angeles and its water supply. At one point, I came across a book about the St. Francis Dam collapse that killed over 400 people as a giant wall of water raced 50+ miles down a riverbed to the Pacific Ocean. It was one of those fascinating soft cover books that had a lot of pictures and illustrations and diagrams.

The one thing, though, that I remember most vividly about the dam was that when two boys/young men climbed a remnant of it, one fell off when the other threw a dead rattlesnake at him, which led to that remaining section being torn down and my being wary of anyone walking around with a dead rattlesnake, ready to toss it at someone.

But, anyway, today on the Kindle book list, the Floodpath book lured me in. I’m a long way from the rattlesnake part; in fact the Owens Valley Aqueduct has just been completed so I’ve a long, long way to go before I finish.

I also started a book about the smallpox virus and other contagions and while I am fascinated by what I am reading,I find that I have been corrupted by the well-written mystery, crime novel and overall literary fiction. It’s so relaxing to just sit back and let a story flow and not have to worry about hydraulic uplift and bio-hazard suits.

I’ll probably just wander over to the free section and download some sort of pulp. I admit it; it’s like Twinkies – just so tempting.

What happened to the Contented Cow Contest

Just a few years back, TV ads and magazine pages showed cows in pastures sharing their thoughts about the Contented Cow Contestants. What happened? I miss those clever little, and maybe snide, moo-ings of the pasture?

Whoa, this isn’t one of the commercials but it sort of fits in with the Iowa Caucus time period and primaries to come:

But back to the Contented Cow Contest. I can find nothing right off the bat as I search the Internet. Certainly, it can’t be revisionist history at work. I continue to look . . .

OKAY, here we go. It started out as the happy cows in California and promoted cheese. This one is from (gasp) 12 years ago. I particularly like the “she’s been tipped one time too many” line.

I may have a version of that put on my tombstone.

FaceBook ignorance

I haven’t really thought about why I don’t use FaceBook. I have a page, mainly because someone asked me to quite a while ago, but I never really got the hang of it and I’m not certain if I triggered something that shows other people’s posts. I may have to go look.

Still, while looking around on the Internet, I occasionally find myself directed to someone’s FaceBook page and when that happens, my little face and notifications appear at the top of the page. I see I have some friend requests, but I don’t know if they are real or generated by Internet cookies.

I remember when I did register on FaceBook, I used this picture:



Now, why would they do that? I think it is very representative of my personality.

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