So . . . what is going on here?

Well, I believe since I started playing Words with Friends on two sites – one of which is linked to Facebook – some people have happened on a Facebook site I created when I was just fooling around. It may be that anything written on this long neglected Leaning  Cow homestead at the the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse is transferred to that page. Or not. I will find out when I go over to it and check.

I truly miss the PBJ & Cafe and its denizens and ambiance and I think I need to go back there. Why not? I am old and I might as well say what I want. Of course, when I mentioned that to someone who has known me for decades, he asked, “And how would that be any different from how you have always been?” Good point, that. So, just to be clear: AmeliaJake cannot stand Joe Biden.