Wow, I got it back . . . but now I think the challenge of change was fun

You know what I’m going to do, don’t you? I’m going to forget I was complaining about goofing up the template and decide to jump right back into the puzzle. Why I am doing this I don’t know; well, I do. I just can’t leave well enough alone. And besides I need something to keep my mind off this blasted diet.

2 thoughts on “Wow, I got it back . . . but now I think the challenge of change was fun”

  1. Do you like the new block editor? I can’t figure it out. Like how to get my pictures to be to the right or left of a paragraph. I guess I’ll have to work on it more and do some reading.

    I’m not doing much on my site with it but my dive club for some reason elected me webmaster…. ack! So I started from scratch and came up with:

    Let me know what you think. I hope I’m on the right track and not doing something off the rails.

    Large type in this template. Makes easy reading. Have fun figuring it out.

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