A clear day . . . and jungle attack

I have been complaining about the off and on rain we have been experiencing that precludes mowing. Well, today is clear so that old adage “be careful what you wish for” is poking me. It is going to poke me right outside to the mower and the tank of anti-weed stuff, and gee, maybe those rainy days weren’t so bad after all.

The grass – and that would be a minority occupant of my yard – is tall. The weeds are hardy and that blasted dandelion that survived round one of chemical warfare is reaching tall and strong toward the sky.

This is not a time to flag nor fail ( I mentioned yesterday I had watched Darkest Hour again) and so I have no choice but to get at it. I think I shall use my hand to form a “V” and then a “W” – Victory over Weeds.