Remember my air conditioner woes?

It is good news. Last year when the new thermostat for the new furnace was installed, one wire was inadvertently attached at the wrong place and so the outside unit did not receive a message which said: START UP, THEY ARE ROASTING IN HERE. There was no cost. Woo Hoo. And, because the spring continued to be cool – the day the AC man came the high might have been 50 degrees – we actually did not roast.

Memorial Day is not far off; imagine that. It has been an odd year in relation to seasons. If this were the real, the authentic, the rocking chair on the porch old days, I would be one of the old-timers remarking about days when we used to melt in our band uniforms while marching on Memorial Day.

I am still an old-timer – just writing on a blog – and not counting the days until I can wear white shoes. Such rules. My goodness. Oh, by the way, I still often call the refrigerator “the icebox.”