The Great Alone

When my eyes came open this morning, I saw that the bare branches outside the window were moving vigorously. The sky was grey white and I had to stop myself from frowning at the gloom because, after all, I was awake and not aching anywhere. When I stuck my head out the door to grab the Sunday paper, it actually felt invigorating – the brisk movement of air a welcome change from the constant downward movement of raindrops yesterday.

I didn’t open the paper; I seldom do anymore since I look at the Internet for news first. After a quick surf of various sites, I realized I had seen ads for the book The Great Alone several times. I believe my eyes had repeatedly flicked away from it because the Grab You line was: What older people are flocking to read.

Finally, I gave in an put the title up there in the search bar and wound up staring at this:

This is not a book review nor a knee jerk reaction to the book’s title. I know nothing about the book other than what is shown in the little blurb. Obviously, if it is set in 1974, then that would be when I was in my 20’s – youth. And, now adding 44 years onto the time period makes the adult characters now “older people.” Me. And some other old fogies I know.

And that’s fine, but I think I’ll wait awhile to delve into the story for purely emotional reasons – I need to get my older person sea legs.

2 thoughts on “The Great Alone”

  1. Yes…saw this book Friday at Costco…they have a section of the most wonderful books ..instead I bought Educated by Tara Westover, and Before We Were Yours…love non fiction novels. I loved Half Broken Horses and Glass Castles…also non fiction novels.

  2. Thanks for the title tips; I looked them up on Amazon and will watch for bargains on BoobBub or KindleUnlimited or sales of the actual books. And, I suppose I could actually try the library.

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