NFL catch rule . . . Bears game October 28

While we were watching the Bears/Saints game yesterday, almost everyone at the PBC & Roadhouse came close to having old-fashioned apoplexia.

I am not going to link to a video of the catch; I don’t want to watch it and go splat on my keyboard. I think the refs wear stripes because they should be in jail.

I know what you’re thinking: Tell us what you really think, AmeliaJake.

One thought on “NFL catch rule . . . Bears game October 28”

  1. Didn’t watch any football games. Not huge fans here. We used to watch the Cowboys but football has gone by the wayside over the years. Which due to all the stupid “taking a knee” episodes I’m just as glad to not be watching. A little disturbed that what I thought was a common saying that indicated there was hierarchy in management (?) is now considered racist. So Is saying “too many cooks spoil the soup” considered racist now too? Anyway, that was a rabbit-trail. I now am curious and will be looking for video of said offense of the referees. But sports did reign supreme in my household last night. I stayed up to the end of the fabulous game 5 of the World Series. I swear there were so many ups and downs in this game it almost gave me a heart attack. And I’m not even an Astros or Dogdgers fan. You can only imagine how it would have been if my beloved Cubbies had made the series (they have to wait another 107 years to get there I guess).

    Sorry about the Cipro inducing event. Hopefully it will be a quick and easy fix. Definitely not as exciting as Chicken Pox, which children now days don’t even experience….. I suppose not having the threat of shingles would be nice but Chicken Pox was such a rite of passage….

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