Looking for excuses

I have all these chores that I have to do and I used to think about them and then decide to post something here; that got to be obvious. I tried pushing both topics out of my mind, but that left me with a garage that was getting dirtier and no place to moan about it. It could be dangerous – the inner moan could expand and expand and I would explode and then there would be more to clean up. Of course, I guess someone else would be doing it, though, and making all sorts of CSI jokes.

I once wasn’t paying attention and put an Alka-Seltzer in my mouth instead of dropping it in a glass. That got my attention and I was grateful it was too big to pop in my mouth and immediately swallow. It would be an interesting experiment, though; probably frowned on by people in uniforms with radios on their shoulders and light bars on their cars.

I wonder if I were riding in the back of a police car if I would look out the window, smile slightly and give the royal wave.

One thought on “Looking for excuses”

  1. Alka-seltzer in the mouth. I’m picturing something akin to foaming in the manner of a rabid animal….. might make that ride in the back of a car with bubble gum lights all the more interesting.

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