WordPress new editor

At the top of this post format, there is a green squiggle and beside it is written, Try the brand new editor. I suppose I will cave, because the site will nag and nag and I’ll get frustrated. Of course, I am already frustrated; why, why does every site have to keep changing? I suppose the programmers want us to think of it as improving the site. I really don’t think so. Drivel will be drivel and insight will be insight and creative thoughts will not pop out of a new editor format.

Actually, this little to-do with update has spurred me to quit writing so much drivel and get more creative. I was so, once upon a time. Then I got in a rut and that rut is getting deeper. If I don’t watch out, I will need a little WordPress icon ladder to climb out. Actually, one of those cherry pickers might be fun, but I’m pretty certain, I’d be stuck having to scrounge up a ladder.

It is still snowing and cold outside and I am in a bad mood. You might have noticed that without my telling you. My mouth is puckered up in a petulant scowl and I wouldn’t mind having something to kick. I don’t know if it is an old lady thing or not. I suspect it is an AmeliaJake thing, possibly made more volatile by it being an election year.

After eight years of Joe Biden, I would have expected myself to be more cheerful, but the prospect of this Hillary, as opposed to the Sir Edmund one, is not making me feel on top of the world.

I could go on griping, but I’d better save something for tomorrow.