It’s New Year’s Eve Day???

What? However did this happen? I thought Christmas had just passed . . . yesterday. It works out there have been several “yesterdays” since Christmas and KABOOM, this is New Year’s Eve Day; within hours it will be New Year’s Eve proper and then – 2016.

So many times, people refer to some impending event with the teasing remark: Wait for it . . . Wait for it . . . I don’t think that’s appropriate here; no need to wait – it’s going to come and whack us on the head.

This year is going to be what I make it with my attitude, and, unfortunately, I am not a natural “upbeat” attitude maker; I am more the Chicken Little Sky is falling type.

But enough whining. Oh, now I remember, there’s never enough whining for me. It just comes so naturally and easily. Sigh.

Well, I think I see what a major New Year’s Resolution should be for me:

DON’T BE A BLASTED TWIT. Now, I just need to remember that resolution every day when I get up. I can TWEET, but I mustn’t be a TWEETING TWIT.