Piss one for the Gipper – AmeliaJake has been irritable

I am usually easy to annoy, often sharp and have an irritable response close at hand, but these past few days, I have been the Mt. St. Helens of irritability. I’m not really expecting to be very pleasant today, but I think yesterday was eruptive. When one hapless grocery-bagger was totally incapable of following the simple request to hold the bar code where it could be scanned and twisted the item six ways to Sunday and then gave me a puppy dog look, I responded with “the look of death.”

That was the beginning. Another look of total pity and disdain was addressed to a young medical technician who looked at me and asked, “Have you ever had your blood drawn before?” Then when a urine analysis was required and I asked for some water first, she hesitated as if that couldn’t possibly work and grudgingly gave me a glass. When I went into the restroom, my eyes were sarcastically telling her, “Now, sister, I’m going to go piss one for the Gipper.”  Like she would get the reference.

One man mentioned the bushes needed trimming around my house and I let him know that I abhorred neatly little manicured shrubs whose shapes denied the random flow of nature and were far too short to impart any sense of of wooded refuge into the house.

As the day progressed, I came home and remarked to my daughter-in-law that I had run into “that floozy”.

Fortunately, when I discovered the pharmacy had put conflicting information on the medicine bottle, I just decided I’d call on the next day and went stomping off to be by myself,

Gee, looking back at this, I’d  say I didn’t really erupt; I rumbled. Which means . . .????? Vancouver, this will soon be it? Maybe.

2 thoughts on “Piss one for the Gipper – AmeliaJake has been irritable”

  1. When my son-in-law talks about God he always says “the God”. It’s a hold over from his Russian language because they always say “the god” in Russian, yet they actually don’t have a word for “the” yet when they translate it is “the god.” Weird.

    I’m with you on the bushes but every single year my bushes end up being trimmed to perfect little mounds and shapes. I’m going to have to do it myself to get what I want.

  2. Well now I’m all irritated because I combined my comments for two posts onto one single post but you are smart and you will figure it out. And if you don’t…. well just fake it.

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