Waiting for the window

I’ve been here in Fairborn since Saturday morning and I am heading back today – but I am waiting for rush hour to clear because it is raining very hard over the very busy exits and entrances and construction barriers on I-75. I don’t know if the rain with be easing up, but I think if I leave at 9 I will be after the commuters and before any people hit the roads heading to malls and wherever they go for solace on a rainy day.

I have on my grungy shoes because of the rain. Looking at my feet propped on the coffee table is not a nice sight, but it is better than bemoaning a nicer pair of shoes turning into giant heavy sponges of squishing water.

I have a task right now – to bound out on the balcony and pull back the potted tree to the relative safety of the corner. Hang on, little guy . . . here I come.