I have been reading ridiculous trash

I fell into a period of reading a few books that go beyond Clive Cussler and the incredibly perfect Dirk Pitt who once drove an undersea vehicle around, if not the Mariana’s Trench, then another really long one, and exited the ocean on a beach while tourists stared.

I don’t know why, really. Perhaps escapism, perhaps the draw of serials and soap operas that can suck you in . . .

One was a switched at birth novel (free) and the other was a time travel type story (free) involving an old Nazi ship and eventually a Gypsy-like curse – which totally reduced the time travel part to a footnote. I say the books were free on Kindle; but I paid. I have no idea why I kept paying, unless it was something like the draw of an old-fashioned freak show: Come on in and see the amazing coincidences that you won’t believe – just one thin dime for each unveiling. How about you there on the sofa. Yes, you. You know you’re curious.

I’ve got to get a grip on myself.