Well, folks, here we are in August – unless you are an Eastern DeKalb student/teacher/admin/ bus driver and so forth, then you are in August and doing school things.
Yesterday we took the scooter to the repair shop for a check-up and whatever all they do. It has to be kick started and wants to stall at a slow speed, so I had the idea of having someone ride it on the sidewalk to the big Honda store. One someone started and another someone finished. And the someone who finished caught his foot on concrete and after a while it hurt too much to walk on. Last night was X-ray time in the ER. It is not broken, only sprained. To help time pass while there, I loaded DOORS 4 on my phone and worked my way through 38 of the 40 before we left. Sigh. Perhaps instead of going through the normal ER procedure, I should have taken a hint from my game and looked around for a bookcase to move or a ball to roll to reveal the secret of the way out the door.
It is going to be an aspirin day.