Attack on the garage

Cameron and I devoted two hours to the garage today – for the sake of establishing on-going project work. We got one half of the garage cleared out and and swept and designated the front corner for the “dumpster pile”. Everything in the house that needs to be thrown out is now going to that pile. We enlisted Robert who emptied out expired drinks and squashed plastic bottles and, most crucial, played Wubba with Shane and kept the fire pit going.

We stomped lots of stuff in the trash cans and found a couple of things and then called it quits for the day. That leaves the other wall of the garage and the little add-on behind the piano. Yes, didn’t that sentence test your equilibrium? The red piano. The red piano in the garage. I know. Sad. We are thinking of moving it into the den. Now that will be a long term project. I wonder if we should paint it another color or if that would take away its magic.

I am not complaining about the cool weather; it feels odd, however, to be sitting in a sweatshirt with the heater on my damp-feeling feet in July. It reminds me of the Ohio River Valley at Cincinnati in November.

We have been waiting for predicted rain all day. At first it was supposed to be at noon, then two, and now, maybe at 4:30 pm. It is good for Fair Week, though; the animals are cool and the rain has held off for the 4-H’ers. I don’t know what is planned at the grandstand tonight, but at least it has a roof.

That’s what we are doing at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse, sitting around talking about the weather and not much else. We are in our old man mode, though we are not chawin’ and spittin’.