Well, what do you know

Say, we have more class here at the PBC than we realized. I started thinking about the little bowl I tell people to drop special keys in and, uh, some screw or pill that’s turned up. I went over and picked it up, put my hand over the top so the little flexible flashlight that looks as if it came from War of the Worlds would not fall out and turned it over.

Right there on the bottom is said Lido W.S. George Made in the U.S.A. I looked on eBay and maybe I should start using an old soup can as a catch-all on the window sill.

little bowl

3 thoughts on “Well, what do you know”

  1. Does everyone have a catch-all pot? I do. Unfortunately it usually gets emptied into the junk drawer in the kitchen. Do you have a junk drawer too? Same purpose, bigger items.

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