What do you expect a whimsical person to say? Well, whatever, it might be, you can compare it to what you are reading right now, because I am a WP. I would not say I am certified, but I believe there is a consensus that I fall in that category. Nuts and bolts people have no understanding of and really no tolerance for whimsical souls. I don’t know why this is, but I firmly appreciate them, even though they do not feel the same about me. I appreciate them because they are quite happy to do the paint-by-number aspects of society – the minding the P’s and Q’s rules – the keeping the “box” spiffed up. After all, it gives us WP’s a place to run and jump into when our thinking outside the box needs, shall we say, re-thinking.
Yes, we dedicated WP’s find the Nuts and Bolters lacking; ironically, they tend to think we WP’s are “not all there.”