To be accurate, I was in a giant evergreen bush, one I have let become overgrown because it makes one of the rooms in the house feel as if it is in a forest. Okay, I have several overgrown bushes to get the total effect. But anyway, to keep some control and allow the bush to have green needles throughout, I cut out the tallest branches every year.
Today was Bush #1’s turn and after I had sighted in on the limb I wanted, I had to climb up a knot of branches and sort of lean out on one to reach the spot I wanted to saw. It wasn’t bad, but a little dicey getting down; I had to keep releasing my sweatshirt from probing twigs. Of course, the branch stayed right where it was because others held it up, so I had to tug on them to get a handhold of access and then extract it slowly.
It’s raining now and things will be wet in the morning so I can safely say Bush #2 is on a delay and has time to prepare some sort of defense moves to thwart me. Maybe I’ll wear a helmet when I tackle that one. Rose thinks I should be wearing a strait jacket. Oh, well, everyone has a right to his/her opinion.