An extra hour of school

Because we have had so many snow days, schools are making up the time by adding a hour to each day. And because 2-hour delays kept affecting the same two periods, schedules have been revamped to make take that into account. It varies from day-to-day, according to Summer and I her recitation in the car this morning sounded like a code: 4th, 4th, 5th, back to 4th and so forth. This was not the actual list she gave, but it reflects the doubling-up and repetition. Well, as we old folks say, “Not my problem.”  Cold, huh? Well, my empathy reservoir is low.

I hope they don’t have to rush the experiments in Chemistry too much; I’d hate to have the building blow up. You laugh, but I know someone who is married to someone who is related to someone by blood who blew up a chemistry college lab. Now, that will get you noticed. Actually, it might have been the whole chemistry building. You know, I’m going to have to arrange to hear that story again – maybe with sound effects.


One thought on “An extra hour of school”

  1. Oh my. That got me thinking about the horrific nightmare that would result from a school lab explosion. Police. Lock Down. Arrests. Parents panicking. And then of course they would flood the school with trauma counselors to assure that all the kids were properly traumatized. Definitely not something you would want to experience. Now in my day it would have become a legend talked about for years and the challenge would be sneaking past the ropes to view the damage and getting shoes away by Mr. Owsley the janitor.

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