Fasting leads to just plain fast (but not speeding)

Okay, I went 15 hours without food for my fasting blood tests; not a problem, but I was feeling a little low by about 10:30 this morning, just after getting out of the appointment. So, when I saw a Pepsi can in my trunk, I figured a little sugar and caffeine would perk me up.

Well, yessirree Bob, just a few swallows and then I felt more chipper. Part way home I realized the bit of sugar and caffeine was a “stimulant” after having had only water for 15 hours. I didn’t want to stop at a gas station and then I wished I had stopped at a gas station, but I did get home okay, in case you were wondering. I was wondering there for awhile.

Not the best topic in the world, but when you get to a certain age, I’ve found I don’t care. After enough years, you’re on an intimate relationship with the realities of life.