Face scrunching

No, I am not going to talk about the AmeliaJake facial exercises; I have been scrunching my face today because I have been in a very bad mood regarding total strangers. Not total strangers I have actually seen, but ones who have popped up in Mary Poppins style blog entries. It just worked out today that I clicked on some random links that wound up taking me – one way or another to a blogger who, golly gee, just has to be a Stepford Wife and Total Saint.

Three times I read entries about people who had really unfortunate, frustrating and exasperating days and went on and on about each moment being a treasure. Yes, I understand fully that given a choice between tragedy and anguish and having a spouse carelessly flush the only set of car keys, I would gladly go the lost car key route. But, in every day human nature, wouldn’t someone normally yell, “You flushed the car keys???!!!” Would not that lead you to the door on which you had mounted foam bricks so you could safely bang your head?

Apparently for some, this and other irritating situations are not at all the teensiest bit upsetting. Not even enough to justify an “Oh darn.”

So now I am in the position of being annoyed by sweetness and light . . . which just makes my day and scrunches my face.

UPDATE: Just after I pushed published, I looked up and saw that WordPress was nagging me to update to 3.8. So finally I did just to get them off my back and, frankly, Scarlett, my dear, I don’t like the update.

You know, maybe I’m just not in a good mood . . . Do you think?

One thought on “Face scrunching”

  1. I so relate to this. It’s probably one of the reasons I really really dislike Pioneer Ree and those like her. A pet peeve of mine is that I go to a Bible study and everyone is so intent on being so darned perfect. I’m sitting there seething about the lady that cut me off at the stop light and they are talking about the blessings of being able to pray for the lady that hit their car…. (random example but you get the idea). I want to just scream… be real! And then I think…. are they really that way? Am I really that bad? I guess this is where I’m glad that grace abounds but darn it, I’d like to just once see that lady who is always put together perfect, has her hair perfect, always wears makeup and lose it. Then I might feel normal.

    I’m really a bad person.

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