Rain – the wet kind

I just deleted a paragraph because as I was typing the thought occurred that quite possibly my brain had gone missing in the night. So I am going to push “Save Draft” and try again later.


It isn’t that much later but I am bored. I am bored and my leg muscles ache, maybe because of age and maybe because of the weather and maybe because I wore ugg-type boots all day yesterday. My face doesn’t ache and I thought it might, since I have stepped up my facial exercise routine. Truthfully, it is not a routine; I do facial exercises when I think of it, no matter if I am in the kitchen with soap suds on my hands or in the car at a stoplight. I don’t just wait for stoplights to open my mouth and eyes wide and stick my tongue out but I usually don’t have a prompt to remember doing it because you’re not aware of being noticed the way you are when stopped at a light. Looking back, I think I have backed off the open mouth exercises at stop lights and gone to concentrating on moving select muscles in my face. It’s less noticeable.

I do think facial exercises are beneficial. People tell me I look younger than my 65 years. I am fairly certain genetic make- up has something to do with it as well.  My mother was often “carded” as a senior citizen when she asked for the discount and my paternal grandmother had unlined skin at 80.


Another interruption there, but I am back and I am, at this moment, opening my mouth and eyes really wide. I don’t think I’ll use PhotoBooth to document it, though.  You probably don’t want to see the famous face scrunch also.

Oh, I just realized I titled this post in a rain category and then deleted my first paragraph which was about getting my jeans wet on the front thighs. But they are dry now. There was probably a remark worthy of twitter: World, AJ’s pants are dry.

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