Sort of blah

When the blahs hit, it is better to find something to perk you up, but then, again, there are times when it is best to just roll with them. I am doing that now and if I could sing, I would probably be going Roll, roll, roll your blahs. But then, again, I think I would not really do that. I don’t know why I typed it in the first place; the blahs can have weird effects on  you. Ah, perhaps I should slowly remove my fingers from the keyboard.

One thought on “Sort of blah”

  1. I read this the other day and had a thought and didn’t reply thinking… wow, that was random. And I read it again today and the same thought came to mind…. actually song… since you mentioned singing…. “roll out the blahs, we’ll have a blah sort of time….” to the tune of Roll out the Barrel. which makes me wonder just what was in that barrel? I’m thinking pretty strong stuff but what if it was just an empty barrel to wear like a clown does… that would be fun. Maybe not as fun as a barrel of whiskey, depending upon the mood of course, but fun in it’s rodeo sort of way.

    And now I’m going to be humming that song all night.

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