Earlier today

I am typing this at 4;49 am, having treated my Chinese Sinus Torture with medicine and vertical therapy.  I don’t know whether to lie back down and see if I snooze or not. When this hits the scheduled publishing time – which I set because I was playing around with the options, being sort of bored – I will know if I did or not. I am beginning to suspect that sinus in the night and subsequent remedies can lead to mild zaniness. I may decide to try more inventive drainage head positions; a couple of times I have been so successful at this that I have had to twist kleenex into little pipe cleaner shaped things and stick them up my nostrils. That does have its social drawbacks but then who the heck is up at this time but me.

Were I of a younger generation, I might refer to the altered kleenex as nose tampons, but being my age, that is embarrassing – not as embarrassing as my idea to use straws taped to baggies as nose catheters, however. Mexican food and horseradish is an option . . .

Sometimes when I get like this, I wonder if my nutcase is starting to pinch me.