Nothing like a dose of Joe Biden to spur me to up and at ’em

Joe Biden. Why, why, do I even come so close to him as type his name? BECAUSE I CAN’T STAND HIM. No doubt if he ever read this, he would delegate someone to say, “AmeliaJake, the VP wants you to know he is much, much smarter you!!” That is what he told a questioner in one press conference.

Here’s a little reference to that incident:

Oh, yeah, don’t forget the fact that he graduated 76th out of 85 in his law school class, but claimed to be in the top half. When asked about it at one function, this interaction was reported:

The tape, which was made available by C-SPAN in response to a reporter’s request, showed a testy exchange in response to a question about his law school record from a man identified only as ”Frank.” Mr. Biden looked at his questioner and said: ”I think I have a much higher I.Q. than you do.’ (From this source)

Then, of course, here is the summary out of the horse’s (possibly we could substitute another animal) mouth.

Now he knows more about the Senate that anyone who ever served there . . . according to him.

“I’m going to say something outrageous,” Biden said. “I think I understand the Senate better than any man or woman who’s ever served in there, and I think I understand the House . . .

We’re fair here so we wanted to post a definition of outrageous and here it is:


outrageous |out?r?j?s|
1 shockingly bad or excessive: an outrageous act of bribery.
• wildly exaggerated or improbable: the outrageous claims made by the previous administration.
2 very bold, unusual, and startling: her outrageous leotards and sexy routines.
Now which definition do you think Biden was referencing?  You’re right  – #2. And in the lingo of little kids’ potty-training lexicon, it fits.

Gee, what if he uses the  Neil Kinnock quote rephrasing method again?

Henry, (JB) was furious when he found out what Becket (AmeliaJake) had done (written). He is said to have shouted out “will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest (B____) ?” Four knights heard what Henry had shouted and took it to mean that the king wanted Becket dead.

Oh, yea, what if he sics the bureaucracy on me?

Sulfa and me

For two decades, I had reported to doctors that I am allergic to sulfa – until one informed me that really I should say I was sensitive because I do not get a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. So for the following decades I have been telling them the modified “sensitive” assessment. Well . . .  when I found out I had a UTI and the doctor said sulfa was the drug of choice and asked what did I remember from close to 60 years ago about the sulfa situation. Not much, although I think my parents said my fever went up after each dose. I guess there was more to it than that.

Yesterday morning, after three doses, I started to feel nauseated. And then I threw up and thought, “Okay, that’s that; now I’ll call the doctor and leave the message that I’m suspending taking it.” I got nauseated again; I puked. I felt a little shaky and rested and then I got really, really urgently nauseated and while I was hurrying to the bathroom  – and considering stopping off at the kitchen sink – two things happened. Summer yelled, “Grandma’s going to throw up,” and Der Bingle walked in the door.

It was not pretty. It was violently projectile  . . . Good thing it happened here and not where it could have been documented for “People of Walmrt.”

Then I found a nice soft and horizontal place under afghans and stayed there the night. I think I feel better