
The tree, all green and still soft-needled, is up and decorated – although we will probably add some extra touches here and there and now and then. It is a family tree, so there is no particular style to it. Do I hear an undercurrent of: Well, it could have been better in my comment? Of course I do. Tomorrow I’m going to decorate an old artificial tree for my sitting room with all the special ornaments dedicated to that tree; I handle each one with special feeling and sometimes my eyes water. Often it is one of those tightening of the throat, quiet little weeping and then, well, sigh, deep breath and go on times.

The tree is in the middle of a big second story panel of windows that looks down a road. I have stood and gazed down that road, imagining seeing the characteristic gait of one who is not here. I imagine I’ll be doing it again while nutcrackers and Santa’s and homemeade ornaments stand – or more accurately – hang vigil.