Voting – before and after

This is the pre-voting part; it’s sensible to do it this way. After all the is the chronological order of the day. I don’t know what atmosphere I’ll find at the polling place; the last election for President, it was terse. People gave civil looks to each other, but that was about it. I anticipate today will be even more strained.

I’ll head over in the lull of mid-morning.

The AFTER part: They were carefully checking ID’s; I hope they are doing that everywhere. People didn’t say anything to each other. Oh, the poll  workers had McDonald’s brought in.

2 thoughts on “Voting – before and after”

  1. I voted early to avoid the tension. At our polling place all the early voters were very strongly outspoken for the challenger. Not sure what the mood is today. All I know is that I found it amazing that Obama was behind/struggling/failing until six this morning where he is up by 7 and a Romney win is unlikely. Ah, gotta love the media in the US, PravdaUSA.

    Go, enjoy your vote. 🙂 Then you can come over and join me in a good belt of whiskey to get us through the day of propaganda and speculation. 🙂

  2. lol….. see I think of you often….. whenever a quirky bug gif comes along I immediately think….. wow, I gotta let AmeliaJake know about this! 🙂

    Only ’cause I care about you!

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