Shane, Pottermom and irony

A couple of days ago, Cameron alerted me to a note Shane had left for me. (See here) And, well, then I left a post about all the Halloween decorations, and Pottermom left a comment and asked what about the important matters, such as Shane’s new Wubba.

I was going to take a picture of all the Wubbas Mr. Deprived Dog has – let’s just say it’s a lot . . . a whole bunch . . . enough to keep you throwing all the time if he pesters enough. So, I didn’t think Shane needed any new Wubbas; however, I knew I would be passing Petsmart on the way to have the scan at the hospital today and I somehow also knew I would fold and go look at the Wubbas.

I would then have at least tried.

But they had a new one and it was hanging there right at the end of an aisle.


I should have known. We have one now.

Shane says, “Thanks, Pottermom.”

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