Napping Saturday

I walked today and it was humid and I got back with sweat dripping off my nose and chin and running into my eyes.  Sometimes I apply Estee Lauder’s foaming skin cleanser to my face before I go. It goes on as a white cream and quickly turns transparent with increased skin warmth as your pores open up. (I usually look down when a car passes and the true transparent effect has not yet been achieved.) Your face feels a bit tingly and so clean when you wash it off. Now, sometimes, if you put it on too heavily, it will take a while to go transparent . . . and if you put on too much and it is very humid, your face will foam.

Fortunately, I decided I wouldn’t use it today.

2 thoughts on “Napping Saturday”

  1. I have read this now about three times and just catch myself sitting here, a little open mouthed marveling about the whole thing and wondering…. really? Would I be brave enough to go jog the neighborhood with cleanser on my face? Would the deer no long run with me and instead run from me? Would I be laughed at by the squirrels? More likely with our humidity the neighbor would think I was rabid and start taking pot shots at me with his bb gun….. yup, I’d be a foam face here. No doubt about it. Might put me on the front page of the newpaper…..

  2. Yes, I’ve always been a bit like this . . . but life in my ’60’s has opened up brave new horizons. Not that I am prepared to wear my cow hat on my walks yet.

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