Well . . .

Yesterday was Summer’s birthday; she is now 16. Some people like to be treated like a queen or princess on their birthday. Summer announced she was “Dictator for the Day” – ah, yes, of course. How could we not have anticipated it? I have a picture of her cake; it was a BIG one, with a picture on it of that blasted my cat left for us to take care of and that Summer has decided is hers. I will post the picture when I overcome my temptation to do a little photoshopping. Oh, I am an evil one, I am.

One thought on “Well . . .”

  1. For some reason “dictator for the day” doesn’t jibe with “sweet sixteen” lol I personally think Dictator for the Day sounds like a lot more fun! Happy Birthday Summer! May this coming year be a year of adventure, full of love, and stuffed with great joy!

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