Sun-dried blankie

Today I tossed a couple of freshly-washed blankets over a fence and the clubhouse climbing set; and, now, dry, they smell so very good – almost like taking a bit of a sunlit day to bed with you. I think a decreasing number of people are aware of this smell, since, more than the advent of dryers,  the spouting of infamous and ubiquitous Homeowners Bylaws.

Where did it start? In subdivisions after WWII? I think that was you had to hang your wash on a certain day . . . and from that came the “no clothes line for you” attitude of the up and coming. Jeez Louise.

But, anyway, tonight there will be old-fashioned “stuff your face in the comforter and sniff” activity going on here.

3 thoughts on “Sun-dried blankie”

  1. Love the smell of sheets off the line. Hated those hard, scratchy towels though. We live on 20 acres, no subdivision nazis in our life. However, I very seldom hang out wash. Sigh.. .the dryer is so easy.

  2. I’m with Albug, love the smell, hate the scratch. I grew up with only line dried clothes. In the winter we would hang them out and they’d freeze if we forgot to bring them in when it dropped below freezing and we’d bring them in to thaw by the fireplace. lol They’d dry despite the cold. Of course when mom got a dryer the winter drying came to an end.

    I hang out clothes quite often and Hannah seems to always have the line covered in diapers. Hanging the diapers out keep them smelling better and keeps them white. Nothing like the sun to bleach the nappies.

  3. My grandmother and mother, plus myself, have put some whites out on green grass to dry in the sun; it whitens without the use of bottle bleach.

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