Now in from being out in Kendallville, Indiana

Why am I typing Kendallville, Indiana over and over again? Well, I don’t really know. It could be that when I have searched for past posts lately,  I have not been able to find them. I think the first Kendallville was because it was written about being outside in March.

But, to get on with it, I put on my newly-found Lands End hat and went to a jeweler’s to retrieve a necklace, and when I pulled into the driveway, I knew I could saw some shrub leaders after all. So I did. Only first I had to come into the house to change into my SPAM hat because the LE hat was one of my better ones – not one of those I’d worn over and over again for mowing. I took my yellow-topped head into the shrubs and took out three thick ones.

I’m thinking of moving up to axes.