I thought I would not post anything tonight

I was wrong.
That is probably the purpose of this post – to get me some practice at saying I was wrong. Just in case, I might possibly – even as a long shot – need to . . . say I was wrong. (Wow, is that truly a split infinitive or not??)

3 thoughts on “I thought I would not post anything tonight”

  1. someday you will have to explain a split infinitive, I get lost in technical grammatical terminology.

  2. And while I’m thinking of it…. a dangling participle…. just what is that? All it brings to my mind is little manure dingle berries hanging under a calf’s tail after a bout of scours…. I mean it’s a participle of something…. and it’s dangling….

  3. Interesting you should mention dingle berries. My husband nephew thought when I was referring to his uncle as Der Bingle, it had to do with a play of dingle berries. We informed him about Bing Crosby.

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