I was thinking about atoms

Sometimes I actually think about things being made up of teeny tiny little atoms. I think how I would not know this had not I been told it by people smarter than I. And how these smarter than I people would not know it if there were not people smarter than they are. I mean it is not an intuitive thought.

Sometimes, however, it pops up in my imagination. I read a short piece about people trapped in a air pocket as the water level rose . . . and thought it was too bad they didn’t have little saws that would chop the H’s off  of H20 so they could pair up the O’s. Of course, when you think like this, you see the sawing guys as little elves – or, I guess, nano-elves.

Maybe this is why people tell you to think big . . . keeps you from sounding like a nutcase;


One thought on “I was thinking about atoms”

  1. I remember when I first learned about cells. It honestly grossed me out to look at my skin and think of it being made of cells with tiny little parts moving about in the cytoplasma. Once I had accepted that atoms were no problem.

    I do remember though my trip to the Las Alamos Labs and witnessing their lineal accelerator and hearing about atoms bombarding the huge thick lead block… that was a bit awesome.

    These days my thoughts don’t go so high or deep. I have a daughter 1 week away from her due date and she’s basically a basket case…. wants that baby out NOW! *sigh* He will show when he shows.

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