Last minute of the Super Bowl

I did not watch the Super Bowl – but I heard it from the other room. Or, more accurately, I heard the yells and catcalls that drowned out the commentary. Then as the game neared the end and the Giants had the lead, two people ran in and announced: 57 seconds left. Then they ran back in to the TV.  I heard a series of visceral despairing cries and moans and near sobs and then .  . .  much cheering. I feel I helped them win by not watching – that’s the way my luck was going this season.

Of course, I missed the commercials, but I imagine I’ll be seeing them replayed, given the cost to put them on the air during the game. Oh, rats, I haven’t been watching TV since I got my Kindle. Well, I’ll look them up on the Internet. Obviously, this is just mindless rambling here – bear with me, please . . . I’m indulging myself.

Cameron has discovered the movie Deliverance, but is hesitant to watch it. I believe his imagination is taking him to places where the movie might have gone had it been made in 2011 instead of 1972. He could watch it the way he used to watch scary movies when he was little – from underneath a blanket. Now, Summer was more of a “behind the sofa” watcher – sort of like having a Jack in the Box behind you. Oddly enough, they both took great delight in getting me to watch Snakes on a Plane.  (If it had not been so over the top, I would have been watching from behind the sofa and with two blankets over my head.)


Special note to Pottermom: Super Bowl Sunday – I thought of you.





3 thoughts on “Last minute of the Super Bowl”

  1. Ah. Thanks. This year it went okay, a few memories but mostly my mind was occupied with the mantra “right foot left foot right foot left foot” On Sunday I ran a half marathon in Galveston. Yes, 13.1 miles. It was 49 degrees, rained the entire race and a wicked wind of 20+mph blew from the north. I finished in just under 3 hours. I was so happy to finish and survive and hey, got a medal for finishing. Like a special olympics kid I proudly wore it to lunch!

    I think my mom would have been there cheering me on, proud of me.

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