HA! Use the broom handle

Well, I just had a satisfied moment. I looked at a post about all the special things a lady was doing about lunches and there were pictures of the little lunches, and a picture of her newly cleaned out and shiny refrigerator, not to mention one of a shiny gadget that reflected a house that looked as if it belonged in Better Homes & Gardens. Actually, this was one of those posts that  are in that great magazine in the ether: Better Living Than You. Of course, I made that up, because I am a snarky little slob.

However, in the last part of her remarks about her day, she mentioned the garbage disposal quit and she had to call her husband, who was on a business trip, to find out what to do. Oddly enough, he texted her the information about a handyman.

Ah,  you don’t put out a box of tissues, but line up origami works of art – yes, go ahead, blow your nose on the giraffe. (Okay, I also made that up – although I wouldn’t be surprised if it were out there.) However, you have never heard of using a (wooden) broom handle to give the disposal a little jolt?  You make money off of crafty sites on the internet and yet you cannot do a little search about troubleshooting garbage disposals?

I know I am being testy here. Maybe I will work my way out of that mood during the day – or I could just let Sophie whack me upside the head with a broom handle. And, yes, as a witch, I do have quite a collection.

East Noble two-hour-delay

Well, this is okay with me. It’s Monday and it’s 22 degrees outside and my eyes are heavy. I imagine it is because of slick roads after the snow we had yesterday.

However, I did have some excitement this morning, I was getting ready to sit down and look at the headlines, but first wanted to make myself a cure (diet cola + sugar cola and maybe an aspirin) when I remembered that I had put a couple of cans outside the door last night. You see, I’d had them out here and then forgot them and they got warm . . . and I thought taking a few seconds to sit them out on the window sill when I let the dog out would be smart.

It might have been had I realized the window sill did not provide the protection the vestibule does and that diet soda freezes more readily than sugared pop. I stuck my hand out this morning and grabbed them; oh, they felt so nice and cold and they were. I didn’t think. I opened the diet one first and it fizzed right out of the can all over me and my chair.

Yes, I didn’t need to rely on the way the can felt in my hand to know it was cold; I had a BIG experience with cold. And so did my pants.

I’m reaching for the aspirin now.

Here is Binko from Pioneer Woman Sux

Okay, family, you have no idea of what I speak, so don’t worry about being totally in left field with this post.
1) A popular blogger is The Pioneer Woman
2) She has some critics – one of whom is The Pioneer Woman Sux
3) A writer using the name Binko wrote two posts for the PWS site: Post #1
and Post #2
4) Then she didn’t write any more and people wondered where she was and on January 21st, PWS said, “Oh, and I have no idea what happened to Binko.”
5) And this is the Big Reveal. Binko, whose real name is Birdie Jaworski , is on the Kindle free book best seller list as Number 8, as of January 28th.

Her author page at Amazon.com is THIS ADDRESS. (http://www.amazon.com/Birdie-Jaworski/e/B002BOFN46)

No need to panic

My hair is a little darker in our quest to eliminate any golden/orange tint that showed up when my hair dried. Wet, it just looked normal. We will see how this goes. The problem was not just the brassy shade that showed up after a few washings – even with special shampoo (and in the summer, sun) – but the startling contrast it made with my roots that are a blend of white and light brown. It was actually the brown aspect that made the most contrast. Maybe as the brown finally gives up the ghost, I will lighten the color so it will mesh better with all white. Who knows.

Anyway, I want to thank Donna of Scizzor Worx for working with me. My paternal grandmother had gallbladder trouble and hair that was her natural color way into her 80’s; I inherited the gallbladder, but not the hair gene. Rats.

So, what to do now? I am feeling less down. I think because I did something and I am thinking, well, maybe that is a good tactic for other things in my life. Try a little action. I guess this most is mainly for me, writing about it to aid helping my brain forge pathway of soldiering on. I know that phrase makes one want to giggle, but right now, the little melodrama helps.Makes me think of the Home Guard and the cheerful song in that Angela Lansbury movie, Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

Maybe a change

I’m feeling down, so I am going to get my hair colored. The roots are showing and that adds to my downness. I guess if I were really down, I’d say to hell with roots and let them be or shave my head. But I’m going to (excuse me in advance) bitch slap myself by having a little coloring experiment. Four o’clock. If things work out visually okay, I will tell myself, “Thanks, I needed that.” And if they don’t, well, it’s coming up on February and March and they are ‘waiting room’ months in Indiana anyway. I’ll just wait until the roots spring up again.

Perhaps I should take Rose with me; she could get her hair done – maybe something in a turquoise.

Missed three-hour-delay

Who knew? Not us, the school has an automated system that alerts families to starting delays due to weather; well, we didn’t hear the phone and no one saw the message light flashing, so we goofed up. Yes, apparently it is icy outside and I have just found out about an eight car pile-up on the west side of Fort Wayne. I have heard sirens with my own ears. I suspect it is very treacherous out there.

Now we wait and see. The forecast is for the temperature to remain at 32? until at eleven, so I am thinking that while the salt trucks will be on all the main roads, a lot of roads will be left to wait for the warm-up. That means school bus routes could remain icy . . . and then there’s the factor of student drivers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancel. I am not relying on the phone – I have a screen window open to school announcements. And there it goes . . . East Noble: Closed.

Well, heck.
Colin is very excited; Shane’s a little upset. His barks sound like GET. OUT. OF. HERE.

Winter vitiligo

Vitiligo – that’s what I have. I’ve had it as long as I can remember. White spots on my knees and ankles. Then in my 40’s I got some spots on my torso, and in my 50’s it showed up on my hands. Every year in the winter, I vow that I will start using sun screen and wearing gloves when the spring comes with more time outside and more direct sunlight. Every year I forget.

So, every summer the white spots show up big time; it doesn’t bother me and I don’t even think about it until someone asks or warns me that I must have gotten something on my hand. It is dramatic-looking and I find quite a few people assume I have been burned. Thankfully, not.

Anyway, I’ve taken this picture – because I was sitting here with my phone and my hands and not much motivation to do anything – and I’m going to compare it with one I will take in high summer. When it is time to compare, the winter picture will be right here and I won’t have to search through files for it.

That is the reason for the boring post.

UPDATE: Well, rats, I bored myself right into forgetting to post the picture.