Stiff morning

For a couple of days I’ve been doing hands-on, arms-engaged, legs-revved up chores on two different floors. Yes, I could have said stairs. I want to go back and revise the first sentence to eliminate the unintentional rhyme, but somehow it has put a thought in my head: Back off the keyboard, sister, or your fingers get it. It’s too early to argue, and I am too sore and stiff. Old muscles, dontcha know? I’m waiting for the aspirin to kick in.

Not that I’m not glad it’s morning – officially by the clock that says seven in the dark. I was glad to really wake up from my dream of trusted people terrorizing me. I “woke” once during the dream, but I was still dreaming and when things continued as they had been, I held my head and was terribly distraught. Sometime later I did awaken, but I didn’t trust it for the first few seconds.

Then I was relieved, greatly so; but I am stiff and sore. That I can handle . . . well, Bayer and I can handle.

2 thoughts on “Stiff morning”

  1. I’ve been avoiding my trainer and your hands-on, arms-engaged, legs-revved up wording made me feel downright guilty. I guess I ought to get busy and workout again…… or I could just clean my house and do it that way.

    I think the gym sounds like a better option.

    How is Rose? Is she ready for all the holiday hustle and bustle to begin? I’m thinking of boycotting all the holidays this year. I don’t think that will happen but today it sounds like a good option.

    Little Miss Muffy says hi. She’s found a new companion, seems a different granddaughter has taken a liking to her and she is hauled everywhere. She likes the grocery store the best.

  2. I have been eradicating grass from my flower beds. Grass that inists on growing where I don’t want it to grow!!! Any way, in a few years I may have to hire someone to do this chore because of my hands. I can barely open them in the morning after a day of pulling. So I feel your pain old age is no fun somedays.

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