
I didn’t have bad dreams last night; I had them after I snuggled back down at twenty minutes to seven this morning. I don’t remember much about these dreams that occurred like the snippets of movies you see in a series of trailers.

I do remember having a limp in the middle of a seemingly abandoned wide Main Street in some town – a main street with secretive buildings with no windows except the one that I suspected was a funeral parlor. Usually I say funeral home, but thinking of those windows with red velvet curtains, funeral parlor came to my mind.

I also recall walking inside a tall building with shiny floors and firemen. In my dream I thought, “What if I couldn’t see and the floor just ended?” Poof, it did. I could see all of a sudden that I was standing at the very, very edge of where the floor ended and a vast chasm opened.

So, I fell on my back – SAFE!!! – until I decided to scoot my body closer to the hole to test my courage, or would that be stupidity?