July 26

On this day every year, I begin a month of being one year younger than Der Bingle. Yes, it is his birthday. He has had others . . .  chortle, chortle, giggle, smirk. Oh wait, what is it with the smirking? I must not forget that soon I will be adding one more to my tally of “other birthdays.”

He is in Fairborn at the Ohio Redoubt and I am here so we will have a cake probably this weekend – or maybe a couple of twinkies with some candles on them. Don’t visualize that; I did and it is daunting – the  twinkies would look like porcupines. So just strike that thought from the record.

I have no nifty internet card, nor even a Weebles birthday video. It’s our modus operandi; birthdays are low key here.

But, Der Bingle, just because I don’t do much with the day, doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate all the years.

Happy Birthday from AmeliaJake.