A beautiful day

Yesterday was sunny and, oh, maybe 70 degrees. It was the kind of day that does good things to the chemicals in  your brain. I spent it on lawn mowers . . . which, to my mind, was good. All alone out there in the day with the time to think long thoughts. And periods of not thinking.

Of course, my farmer’s tan is getting more pronounced – but then I don’t plan on being in a bikini anytime soon.

2 thoughts on “A beautiful day”

  1. I had a fancy schmancy dinner I had to go to and I knew I was getting tan so i was taking care to avoid bold tan lines that would stand out like white stripes across my shoulder when I put on my dress. Unfortunately the fact that my dress plunged a bit more than a tank top failed to enter into my little brain and so I so proudly put on my thin strapped dress the night of the dinner thinking… no strap marks! And saw a white triangle pointing right to the bosoms. It was like a white flag waving in the breeze telling everyone to take a gander at what lay below….. but I didn’t have unsightly strap marks.

  2. Ah, but I have nothing below – until you get to the stomach bulge area. I am the proverbial flat as a board. Summer, on the other hand . . . . AUUUGGGGHHHH. I have even been known to exclaim in frustration: “If I could go through high school “chestless”, I don’t see how a bit of shyness is impeding you!” I mean that condition in the 60’s was a big (except on me) thing.

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