Those little online tests

There are all sorts of online quizzes promise to tell you your IQ, Emotional Quotient, Personality traits and so forth; I don’t know if I have ever pop-up window that asks: How Crazy Are You? Considering I am sitting here thinking up questions for such a test in the back of my mind, I’d say I’d score high on the Crazy-O-Meter.

What non-edible objects have you considered eating? And have you done so?

Have you ever felt like you wanted to put your head in the microwave oven? And after standing there for three minutes with nothing happening, then seriously wondered how you could shut the door or rewire it so the door would not have to be shut? (Maybe this is more fitting for the IQ test.)

Have you ever worn snake-mating pheromones to a rattlesnake round-up? And leaned over the fence?

When  you talk to yourself, do you eavesdrop?

When was the last time you hired someone to run over your feet with a car?

When was the last time you hired someone to run over your cat?

Okay, I don’t know that we’re done here, but we probably should be.

One thing before I go off:  1) my rocker; 2) the deep end; 3) half-cocked; 4) on a wild goose chase; 5) none of the above. This thing – I once took an online IQ test and got a 76.