Oh, crap, she’s up

Every now and then I get an email that has a request to forward it to others. Often I do not – but this one I have. I think it sums up things pretty well when it comes to women with spunk.

It will only copy to wordpress in regular typeface, so I am going to try something.

Today someone asked me if I liked you.?I laughed, and I said, “Ha! That’s funny!! I freakin’ LOVE that chick!! She’sfunny, caring, crazy as heck, sweet, beautiful, she’s reading this email right now & I love her!!”

Send this to ten ladies you love!! & I better be one!!!!
?Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, “Oh Crap, She’s up!”

Well, that didn’t work. Let’s try this.

Oh, yes, I am cool.