Cut out and put in a drawer

I suppose Mother cut this out when I was writing some articles for a little paper – The Kendallville Mall – here.

We talk about physics and the things we don’t know – the God discussion, for one. The Hereafter discussion, for another. Oh, a lot a things. A lot of time I go with what comforts me and what I think should be, as I guess the closing line of this article indicates.

One thought on “Cut out and put in a drawer”

  1. I am a firm believer that there are animals in heaven. Yup. I have no doubt about it. The lion shall lie down with the lamb. In print. God said it, it’s there. So if there are lions and lambs why not our beloved pet friends? I know I’m looking forward to seeing them again.

    Been really down here lately. I have started and stopped several letters to you. Some day I might just let it all go….. but I’m afraid nobody would survive the deluge.

    Little miss muffy (seems to be the name that has stuck) is enjoying life. She wonders if she can become the rose of this household. I told her to not get cheeky….. I believe it has already started.

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