Yes, I’ll admit it; it is cold

I had good intentions but things got away from me and I didn’t get the house as well-prepared for winter as I would have liked. And  this winter has been snowy and cold. Crackling cold, soda pop can exploding cold.

I am now getting up to check on the dogs who just went out minutes ago.

Yes, there were ready to come in and a bunch of heavy cold air just leaned over and fell in with them. There is no wind this morning and it is very still out there in back. Nothing pushed the cold in, but in moments the area around me was like one big walk-in freezer. Closing the door didn’t make an immediate difference; mingling molecules have helped diffuse it but it leaves an eerie feeling. I think without the instant obvious relief that comes from shutting the door against wind and/or stinging snow, I feel that something alien has come in. Cold, still air has an emptiness about it.

I didn’t expect to think about it, but I think if given the choice, I would choose to freeze to death in a raging blizzard rather than by being locked in a some sub-zero, commercial freezer. I suppose I could wander into the back of a semi hauling frozen food and when they opened the doors at some distribution point, someone would remark, “Wow, look at that, Lloyd. Reckon she’s been like that since Wichita?”

Frozen peas come to mind. Why peas? Why not Sara Lee goodies or ice cream? In the word association test of death with frozen food I come up with peas? That has to send up some red flag. Come to think of it, thinking my way into that scenario nudges one to think I might be a little “different” or “special”.

It is not as cold, though, as if could be. We have clouds. But we are going to get sunshine and then it will get colder. Oh, I see the small branches are now moving a little – a harbinger of the dreaded wind chill.

But back to heat – the heat that is leaking out of my house because I wasn’t thorough. I don’t care. Well, I do care but I’ve decided to accept my failing and live with the higher energy bill and stay warm. Next year I will prepare for hunkering on a budget.

In the meantime, I found this picture right after I posted the picture of the Scott School:


One thought on “Yes, I’ll admit it; it is cold”

  1. Oh did this make me laugh. Thank you on this cold day. I would say your thoughts make you special. We just came in from the big city. Spent half the day getting the hubby new glasses. The mall was so busy. At first I thought that the economy was finally picking up, then I realized that it was full of mall-walkers and people trying to stay warm. This is the second time my husband took me to the big city in the last few weeks and both days it was about four degrees out I wonder what he is trying to tell me? Unfortunately the weather is going to get worse before it gets better,
    I think. Of course what can we expect? It is winter in Indiana.

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